- After being tired and so sleepy,Daisha took a picture of Miami, Fl. Being in a car for eight hours, it was pretty beautiful.
- Once her family got settled, they decided to go to the beach for a couple of hours.
- As you can see, her and aunt asked a waitress to take a picture before they leave.
- While down there, they decided to walk the strip. Along the way seen a store called Wings. Along the way they saw these crazy flip flops.
- A couple days later, Samir, had his championship game while the sun was setting.
-As you can see, his team went home with a victory after a hard, crucial game. Later on they had the awards ceremony.
-The day after, Daisha and her family went to the mall only for thirty minutes. Meanwhile, Samir and Daisha ventured off and took a picture in the Adidas outlet.